Fee-off-the-arm chainstitch sewing machine with auto-trimmer

I. Key parts are with high hardness coating process, extending the machine life by decreasing the abrasion among the components, and increasing the lubrication among them.

2.Steel structure stand and table with wheels, convenient to move the machine, steady performance, low noise and low vibration.

3.The machine is configured with pneumatic presser lift, puller lift, needle cooler, auto suction thread trimmer.

4.Structural features:

a. the puller is driven from inside, synchronizing to improving the machine speed

b. Slant wide puller, better to cross the joints.

5. With timing belt type back puller, it is suitable for thin and heavy duty fabric.(MP- F/EPF).

6. Lubricating system: spatter lubricating in machine base, auto lubricating of the upper shaft.

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